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Welcome to FutureWater Asia

FutureWater Asia is dedicated to assisting local governments and water utilities address its water and sanitation challenges.
By engaging private sector financing, identifying appropriate technologies and tapping local and international best management practices, FutureWater Asia is able to provide solutions to those that need it most.
Working with a field of industry experts, FutureWater Asia provides a fresh outlook to utilities and local governments by redirecting long-term strategies, securing investments and introducing novel approaches to address water and sanitation issues.
FutureWater Asia has also assisted private companies wishing to penetrate the complicated Philippine water sector by providing the necessary market intelligence and network to establish a foothold in the country.

CEO of FutureWater Asia

FutureWater Asia is led by RAMON ALIKPALA
Mr. Alikpala was Chairman of the Philippine’s Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System, the water utility for the 16 Million residents of Mega Manila.
Prior to that, he was Executive Director of the country’s National Water Resources Board, the government agency responsible for the management of the country’s water resources.
He has served as Chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Working Group on Water Resources Management, Chairman of the Philippine Water Partnership and an International Steering Committee member of the Global Water Partnership in Stockholm, Sweden.
He continues to consult for international organizations such as USAID and the Asian Development Bank.